Monday, December 13, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
esquire video, hearty, vice, cineworks pic
A video I made is up at esquire's website. Contact to contract me for video work in the New York area; my reel can be viewed here.
My tree planting career is being talked about in the comments of this Vice article. Please nominate me to the tree planter hall of fame.

People about to watch Franz Otto Ultimate Highballer in Vancouver.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
CBC's BC Almanac
Director Adam Humphreys on CBC's BC Almanac 11/17 by adamhump
After the interview I was contacted by a woman whose husband had a heart attack in a clear cut while working with Franz Otto. Franz Otto arranged for a helicopter to pick him up. Then Franz Otto drove the man's (her husband's) truck back into town.
I watched "Winnebago Man"...
Jenny Charlesworth wrote about Franz Otto on the Georgia Straight blog.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Franz Otto Ultimate Highballer Trailer
If you are a tree planter and want to host a screening of this film contact
Franz Otto Ultimate Highballer at KAFF pics... Kacper's coverage
Franz Otto Ultimate Highballer at Dan Poulin's apartment pics... Dan, who I have never met before, brought a group of planters together on 10/28 and also made this great chalk drawing of the film's poster :)

Monday, October 18, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
new joke
this one is about "lenny"
This young guy and his fiance are walking to their apartment in a sort of bad / sort of gentrified neighborhood.
They see a Rottweilier tied to a tree in the middle of a residential block. He's grey around the mouth, unhealthy looking, lying on some garbage. There is nobody around. The dog struggles to its feet and smiles at them as they pass. It seems odd and human like, the way the dog moves.
The young girls says, "there is something very mysterious about that dog. I think he just smiled at me. Do you think someone abandoned him?"
The thought makes them both feel sad. They look at him. He does seem to be smiling.
The young man says, "lets come back here in two hours and if he is still there we will take him home and name him Lenny."
The young girl says okay.
They come back in two hours, after he has cooked her a dinner. The dog is still there, lying on the dirty ground.
They debate it for a while, and then decide to take the dog home.
When they get him back they wash him in the tub using head and shoulders shampoo, and the young girl wonders aloud if Dogs can get get dandruff. The young man is sure of it. The dog meets their cat. They start referring to Lenny in baby talk voices. He sleeps at the foot of their bed that night.
In the middle of the night Lenny goes to an open window and produces a very strange sound; something between a meow and a fan. Like a high pitched hurrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
It is unlike any sound they have ever heard a dog make before. The couple is initially scared, but then they start to laugh.
Lenny makes the noise intermittently for most of the night, and eventually they become concerned for his health.
They decide to take him to an animal clinic the next day.
When they get to the animal clinic they tell the vet the story of how they found Lenny and about the weird noises he makes in the night.
"It's the weirdest thing," says the girl, "like a combination of a meow and a fan. like hurrrrrrrrrr or something."
The vet makes a grave face, as if she knows the sound and has dealt with it before.
"What is it?" says the girl.
"It could be a number of things," says the vet, "Let me take a look at him."
So the young couple waits in the waiting room, looking at pet magazines.
When the vet emerges she walks over to them and says "So Lenny.. it's Lenny, Right? Lenny's going to need a little operation."
"Oh no," says the girl, "will it be expensive?"
The vet tells them it will cost 800 dollars. "If you don't do it," she says, "he will just get worse."
"Let us go outside and think it over" says the young man.
Anyways, they ditched the dog.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Ouvre of Joe Berlinger

Joe Berlinger is a tier 2 American documentary filmmaker. Errol Morris and the Maysles brothers can be considered the only tier 1 American documentary filmmakers, though the Maysles brothers, who are nearing 90 years, have not produced a memorable work since 1976.
Joe Berlinger's work has straddled the line between television and theatrical documentaries. I was unaware there was a difference, or any need to differentiate, until I read interviews with Jason Cohn, director of "Manda Bala", who said something to the extent of "most theatrical documentaries recently have seemed like television documentaries with stretched runtimes" and something about him choosing to use a very wide aspect ratio in an effort to be prove he was making a theatrical documentary and not a television documentary.
Joe Berlinger's approach is more nuts and bolts, more essential.
Paradise Lost, and Paradise Lost 2: Revelations follow the same trial
My Brother's Keeper follows a trial
Crude follows a trial
The paradise lost films are the most memorable, to me; this is likely due to variables that could not have been controlled by Joe Berlinger or his crew: specifically the menace and vanity exuded by the father of one of the victims, Mark Byers.
One thing I like about this film, and this television style, is that it seems to take me back to this time in a way a theatrical style documentary could not - when people were considering and debating the corrupting influences of mass media and MTV.
I also like the milieu. These people are southern and poor, but they're not freaks, used to destabilize you, or scare you like in a Harmony Korinne movie. They're just real people.
I really like the music, the songs, but moreso maybe what the songs mean in the context of the film (something I can't quite pin down).
I like how Damien is sensitive and artistic and how people rally around him based on this "high school outsider status" thing they to relate to. Do people still do that? In the 1980's and 1990's were there real outsiders who didn't fit in and did they have champions, people who loved them just because they were outsiders.
Goths are sweet. In this film their whole dilemma is based on being misunderstood by society, and it is a life or death matter.
I like Mark Byers and feel like a character like that could not exist in 2010. His performance is so over the top but at the time he seems 100 percent convinced that he is fooling everyone. Some of the scenes, like where he enacts his grief over his son's tombstone in the first one, and then comes back to his wife's tombstone (who has mysteriously perished between PL1 and PL2)...
He reminds me of a pro wrestler.
Watching the whole film forces you to picture him, maybe 6 foot 7 and 300 pounds, with that face and with that bellowing voice and that crooked mouth, murdering children: cutting off one of their penises.
I also like how the film concluded. I won't spoil it.
If I were in a band, currently, I would want to appear on stage with this shirt.

Some Kind of Monster is that film about Metallica. That was pretty goood.
Paradise Lost 3, I have learned, is in post production. I will be looking forward to that.
new joke
There was an elderly woman with a walker waiting for a light across the street from where the Expedition was idling. Inside the Expedition were three young men.
Two of them were large and heavy; one sitting shotgun, drunk, and the other sitting in the backseat, drunk. The third was lean and sat in the driver's seat.
The one in the back said, "should I go over there and push that old lady over?"
The driver said, "where should we go now."
The guy sitting shotgun laughed at the first comment and ignored the driver.
It must have been around seven in the evening.
Before long the man in the backseat was opening the door, trotting across the street, and pushing the old woman onto the ground.
Monday, June 21, 2010
life's a shitty beach
Patiently Waiting - 50 Cent feat. Eminem
To Hell with Good Intentions - Mclusky
My Name is Tommi - Mu
Chair Girl - Mu
All Consolation - White Denim
Use Me - Bill Withers
No Future Part 3 - Titus Andronicus
The Boy is Exhausted - the Wrens
The Freedom - Swan Lake
Like a Friend - Pulp
click here to download a new episode of adamhump radio
Monday, June 14, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Daddy Long Legs

For me, identifying with the father character as something of a kindred spirit, the film illuminates and plays with a duality between responsibility and fun; suspending me between impulsiveness, chaos, creativity, narcissism, etc. and then this kind of sobre but boring adultiness which I come to recognize as essential and righteous.
It seemed like most people were not like me in that they did not sympathize much with the main character.
At the screening I attended on Saturday, the Safdie's introduced the film; they said what we were about to see had "come from a place of love", showing a kind of pre-emptive defensiveness which tainted the experience for me. The film opens with the announcement of a "special video presentation" - a home video of the brother's Safdie, ages 3 and 5 approximately, dancing with their father, who is shirtless and moustachioed.
Then company credits play.
Then the "film part" begins - a closely cropped, noisy, one hour and forty minute drama about a father's yearly two week custody period of his young sons (aged 3 and 5 approximately). The film is driven by conflict between the audience, the filmmakers, and the father's personality and parenting style.
One of my friends said the beginning is slow, and I guess this makes sense because at this point Lenny seems to be just doing his thing, and his thing seems fairly inconsequential. It is later in the film when the conflict of perspective, between how we feel the father should behave and how he is behaving, deepens - particularly when the father, called into work in the middle of the night, drugs his children to keep them asleep so that they will not wake up to an empty home, and the children end up sleeping for two days, during which time he is arrested, in the funniest scene in the movie, I believe, for spray painting "dad" on a shop gate (I laughed when he said "jesus christ" or something, as the graffiti artist "rambo" sprayed his name on the street).
At the end of the two week period the father surrenders his children back to the mother. Then, motivated by loneliness and regret, he attempts to connect with them again. Eventually he sort of kidnaps the children from their nanny after school, and takes them back to his home and sending them to the store to get groceries (this is another funny scene, when the kids are shopping). When the kids return he is in a fully packed apartment and he is asking them to move.
Presumably his motivations are getting into a bigger apartment so as to spend more time with his children.
This move is poorly planned and comes off very badly, which seems, at this point in the film, "classic Lenny". The film ends with him carrying a fridge onto the Roosevelt island tram with his children, which is symbolic of (I don't really know, "being totally unsure of what will happen next and in constant frantic reaction-mode").
Among the three people I talked to after watching, I think I liked Lenny best and saw myself in him to the greatest degree - one of my friends said he hated Lenny for the whole film.
After the film, in the Q and A session, the brothers said, again, "when our father saw this film he understood that we were just trying to understand him, and that act of trying to understand someone is an act of love"...
also... "there is no narrative resolution because people like my father, 'narcissists' basically do not change"
Is Lenny a fair representation of their real life father? It would not matter if we weren't being encourage to make one substitute for the other, but...
Because of this encouragement, I can view the "film part" skeptically, whereas if it was just presented without all of the backstory I would not; instead of Lenny being put on trial I am now putting the filmmakers on trial for the ethics and motivations in trying their father through Lenny (or if I am to take the position of "it doesn't matter what is real or not real" I am like "then why tell me about your dad in the first place? why not just let the film speak for itself?"). This was distracting for me.
Most of the audience at this film seemed like they were older kinds of people - people from the Safdies' parents generation. I can see this film playing well to an older audience, reaffirming feelings of resignation to responsibility and aging.
I would have liked the film more if they did not include the video with their father at the beginning. But I will remember it, and Lenny, and remember mulling it over, for sure.
what did you guys think
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
adamhump radio show 2: Less Than Zero

Vancouver Divorce - Gord Downie
I Phantom - Mr. Lif
I Don't Owe Nobody Shit - Das Racist
Foam Hands - Destroyer
The First Noel - Elvis Presley
Rainbow - Boris
Love Song to Little Trees - Bill Crosson
Clown Joke - adamhump
Traffic - Chad Vaangalen
Free Art Essay Introduction - Jogging
Freestlye - Giggs
Skip The Youth (with intro overdub) - Frightened Rabbit
Fistful of Love - Antony and the Johnsons

radio show 1: from feb. 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
47 Ronin
Part 1: extended music video for "POS Crew - All in the Name" featuring unaffiliated muralist Travis Doubt aka. D7
POS Graffiti Crew, Vancouver BC
"POS Crew - All in the Name" original music video on youtube
Part 2: 47 Ronin*
*Single shot interview
Interviews with Travis shot in late October, 2009.
Edited yesterday.

skull drawing given to me by Travis in 2006
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Hit Guided by Voices Alien Lanes
damian jr. gong marley - jam rock
08 Death Valley '69 (with Lydia Lunch) Sonic Youth Bad Moon Rising
usher - lil freak
roxy music - the strand (excerpt)
Kinky Boots Patrick Macnee & Honor Blackman
surfer blood - swim
caribou - odessa
sum 41 - fat lip - all killer no filler y'all
george harrison - set on you
metallica - battery - master of puppets
yes - i've seen all good people (just the first part) - the yes album
description by Lauren Bucquet:
"they all had the same short curly baby haircut, all one length- maybe about 2 inches long- around the whole head. black hair, pasty skin, very pointy noses, deep set eyes, really puffy cheeks that blended into a double chin. kind of like the penguin from batman. they pushed a double wide stroller into the subway car. immediately upon entering the 'mom' decided to awkwardly u-turn the stroller, getting it caught on the foot of a your woman sitting nearby on the way. laying in the stroller was the youngest daughter, maybe 5-6 years old. entertaining the girl was 'the older sister', maybe 16 years old. she sat down in the stroller next to her. the young girl proceeded to fidget around, and began turning herrself around onto all 4's and then back to lying down again and then back to all 4's and so on and so on. she started screaming out and laughing as she flipped herself. there was also you young brother, maybe around 8 years old. he sat across from his mother and the double wide stroller. he began furiously shaking his head back and forth while grunting and looking at the ground. he did this continuously for as long as we were on the train. their hair didn't move when their bodies moved. so strange."
Monday, March 29, 2010
cool story I heard recently
So this British girl, the friend of a of a... went to Amsterdam for a little vacation with some girlfriends. Out at a bar one night she met a local guy. She was pretty drunk, and by the end of the night she and he were walking in and out of alleyways kissing and groping. He asked her to go home with him but she didn't. She is a good girl. Her accent is lovely. She comes from a good family. They have been rich for thousands of years.
She goes back to the hotel where she is staying with her girlfriends and they give her a little bit of shit about it, and she blushes a little, but feels good, feels a little courageous, independent.
The next night they all go out again and, by chance, she sees the same guy. She is not that attracted to him, she admits to herself, but she gets pretty drunk and they end up talking again. Pretty soon they are fooling around a little bit in the alleyways again, kissing and holding hands in the narrow cobble-stone alleyways of Amsterdam. He asks her to go home with him again, and she refuses again.
So then she goes home to Britain and goes to her nice job, interning for a famous musician or working at a bank. Everything is normal.
Then this weird thing starts to develop on her face, around her mouth. A black rash growth thing. It hurts and is ugly. She goes to the doctor. The doctor immediately recognizes the thing, a fungus, and makes a very grave face. He tells the girl that he has to make a phone call to the police and he leaves her sitting there in his examination room.
The girl is freaking out, thinking what the hell is this fungus on my face and why do the police have to know about it. She maintains a very strong composure though, because she is that kind of British person who never freaks out, whose manners are impeccable. She probably has been to dinner parties with Jude Law or someone like him. That kind of person. Her brother dated Sienna Miller, maybe. She asks the doctor what is going on and he says that it is better if the police explained it. She probably cried a little from the stress, but the tears were beautiful and evoked sympathy.
The police come to question the girl about her fungus and ask her who she has been kissing, who she has been having sex with. She's really scared, but she tells them the story about the guy in the alleyway in Amsterdam. About how she met him at a bar and they had fooled around a little bit in he alleyway behind the bar but nothing too serious. She didn't have intercourse, she said. The police ask if she has his number, the guy, and she does.
She asks the police what is going on and they say that the fungus she has on her face can only be contracted from a "dead body"
The police in Amsterdam find this guy, the guy she had fooled around with, living in a dark basement suite. They had to break down the door. It smelled "terrible". They found four "dead women".
Evidence suggested he had been "fucking" "all of them", the "dead women" that were in his house.
The "dead women" had been tourists who went missing, who he had picked up at bars.
The polite British girl had given this guy a "blowjob", and that is why she had the fungus on her face. The fungus had come from a kind of "corpse mold / residue", which was "lingering" on the "guy's dick" when she gave him a "blowjob"
What do you guys think?
Have you heard this story?
Does it seem "not plausible"?
I guess I don't really believe it...
Pretty lucky that the girl didn't go home with the guy, though, eh?
Friday, March 12, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Hey Guys,
I posted that before the hockey game on Sunday, which feels like years ago (in emotional years). I don't know if you guys watched, but Canada won. I nearly lost consciousness. I talked to every member of my family that day except for one, (mother) who was not in Canada, and probably would not have been interested anyways. My brother was in a large crowd on Granville street, which was probably a pretty central gathering point for yahoos, and he sounded very anxious and bitter; I imagined him half drunk, seeing the Crosby goal, walking quickly and excitedly from his apartment towards the center of the action, and then, getting closer to granville, getting jostled a little, and saying cutting things to strangers who only wanted a high-five. Then going back home. My sister said something like "all of the idiots are out", but she was at home, in her apartment. My dad was at his home. He told me he went onto the deck (my father lives on a steep hill, a quiet street) and screamed. Then there was silence again, I am assuming, and the sound of the creek that goes by his house, and the trees that never seem to stop dripping water. The clouds in that part of the world also make a noise. I laughed as he related it to me, walking in Bed Stuy, and thought about moving back to Canada.
You know what I ran into which is close to my place in Brooklyn? The place where David Lachapelle had his Bloc Party.
Whats been going on, guys, srsly...
Sunday, February 28, 2010
8th Generation Joint
A second generation joint is made with 5 roaches of roach joints (first generation joints), so one must smoke 25 joints to make a second generation joint.
A third generation joint takes 5 roaches of second generation joints. One must smoke 125 joints to make a third generation joint.
One must smoke 625 joints to make a fourth generation joint.
and so on, fifth...
To make an eighth generation joint one must smoke 390625 joints.
It is possible that there is a multiplier effect that I am not taking into account.
This would require over 1500 pounds of marijuana.
At an average price of $50 an ounce, it would cost over 1.2 million dollars for the amount of marijuana required to roll this many joints.
To do this in one year, you would have to average one joint rolled and smoked every 80 seconds, 24 hours a day.
The effect produced by an eighth generation joint is the highest state of spiritual awareness that can be achieved in a religion I forget the name of.
sources: Brent Jopson ~1998, this website
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
these two shirts are for sale
All sizes are available, except for XX's (XXL or XXS, or SXSW)
This shirt was inspired by the feeling of being uncomfortably stoned and performing an extreme maneuver at night time.
The true spirit of Vancouver 2010.
To view more pictures click here
The Vancouver 2010 shirt is sublime. Whether its eating a huge pile of steaming flapjacks with tons of melted butter and maple syrup, or cutting up the slopes on my board, this T shirt, with its Gildan® fine mesh cotton provides comfort and style.
Nick S: Snowboarder, Treeplanter - Waterloo Ontario
Captures the true spirit of the Vancouver 'Games'... I will be wearing it much more often over the next several weeks.
Chad Buchholz, "Eighty Thousand Times The Word “Fuck”" - Vancouver, BC
Monday, January 25, 2010
rainy day at work
Sunday, January 17, 2010
John Steinbeck
Cannery Row (1945) - Reading this book first was key to my sustained interest in Steinbeck over the past two weeks or so. It is about Ed Ricketts, and Steinbeck's scene around Monterrey California. Ricketts was a marine biologist and seems like a very good person - I think Steinbeck really loved him. There were a bunch of fuck up types in the book; they lived in a flophouse and worked just enough to get by, seemingly doomed to always fuck everything up and be lazy and irresponsible, and Steinbeck and Ricketts viewed them as kind of holy. The Pearl (1947) - If I had read this first I probably would not have read the other books; the tone was always 'profound' or mythological. The dialogue was stylized in the manner of 'simple wise people'. A retelling of a Mexican folk tale, which seemed to have nothing at all to do with Steinbeck's life. Grapes of Wrath (1939) - But I guess I will allow myself to be interested in 'fictions' or 'contrivance', and will use my time to consume this kind of material so long as I agree with or empathize with the person responsible for them. I never read GoW in school on account of being Canadian, and was surprised when I started to really get into it. The chapters alternate between straightforward third person scenes of Tom and the Joad family, and then more of a collective / historical voice. I learned a lot about soil, farming, model t fords, and the great depression. I was especially surprised with the image that ends the novel and how fucked up it was. Travels with Charley In Search of America (1962) - Here Steinbeck is old and sad. There were some parts that were good or interesting, and other parts that were not. Steinbeck is not super funny, IMO, and this kind of structure, the journey structure, which lends itself to 'riffing', doesn't really work as well without a lot of laughs, I think. He really still seems like he wants to be 'a man' here. I feel like he is kind of delusional at this point in his life. Of Mice and Men (1937) - Probably my favorite prose style in the Steinbeck ouvre. I was reminded of reading this in grade eleven. I sat beside Karen Osberg in English class, and the teacher was like, "Mice and Men is playing at the Queen E (theatre downtown vancouver), if anybody wants to go you can get extra credit". Karen and I 'went together'. I think she wore makeup; still not sure if it was a date. Now I think it was probably 'my first date', though part of me still fears Karen would disagree. East of Eden (1952) - Currently about half way through this. "Sprawling". Lots of descriptions of landscape. Lots of 'wisdom': "a servant loses his initiative", "if (the story) troubles us it must be that we find the trouble in ourselves", "I enjoy being mediocre because I understand the loneliness inherent in greatness", etc. Really good.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
to "inn"
date Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 11:34 AM
subject (person's name) / Tree Planting / Franz Otto Ultimate Highballer / My Wedding
12/24/09 (15 days ago)
I am a New York based writer / filmmaker who earns a living by planting trees in the summer in British Columbia Canada.
In my life I have planted over 500,000 trees by hand.
I keep a blog that is a bit of a production diary and a bit of a personal thing. Recently someone from your area called me and read about my film "Franz Otto Ultimate Highballer". He became interested in the project, and was kind enough to give me some contact information for reforestation stuff around your area.
He told me that you, Richard Gere, had recently cut some three hundred trees in a nearby wetland and that you were under pressure to replant them, and that, in his opinion, the person who would be lined up to do that kind of job in your area was going to charge you too much, and was not going to do a good job.
I am writing you, Richard Gere, to offer you my services as a reforestation expert (some would say one of the fastest planters in Canada), to help you re-plant the areas you've logged.
I will do it for free, provided you pay the costs of materials. I can plant 300 trees in around 40 minutes depending on the land.
To me, the prospect of perhaps you helping me to find proffessional help in completing my film, my desire to personally meet you (you seem like a really good guy), the novelty of planting trees in New York, and other considerations would be compensation enough.
What's more, I think my film project has intangible merit, and think you would really like it, and could maybe get wrapped up a little bit in the excitement. It concerns a Paul Bunyan like figure in Canada, a reclusive legendary folk hero guy and my search for him. In a more broad sense it is about imagination and storytelling, trying to be a good person in the world, trying to make a difference, "counter-culture", being an artist, etc.
Also, I don't know if you do weddings at the [INN OWNED BY RICHARD GERE], but I am getting married next fall and am looking for a venue. If you felt bad accepting free labor and wanted to arrange a trade for some "space time" that would suit me very well.
Damn, this email is long.
I will attach a picture of me, a picture of my fiance, and the only pre-existing public image of Franz Otto.
1. POV video of me planting trees
2. Franz Otto Ultimate Highballer on facebook
Hope this finds you well.
Adam Humphreys
414 Greene Ave,
Brooklyn NY