Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics T-Shirt

I am in New York, working part time at the Rag and Bone Store in Soho (119 Mercer).

I reviewed "Relapse" by Eminem at Kathy's blog.

I started a news-focused youtube channel.

Also, I designed a "post-ironic" shirt for the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, BC. Seems like I could sell a lot of these, but I'm not sure about copyright, and not sure I want to do the work. Might be just fucking around. Please contact if you are in Vancouver and want to get involved:

This shirt was inspired by the feeling of getting uncomfortably stoned and doing an extreme maneuver at night time. - Adam Humphreys

Charlotte Gill, award winning writer, tree planter.

Sarah Anne Johnson
, award winning artist, ex (?) tree planter.